Thursday, June 17, 2010

Old Town Plaza

Welcome to Old Town Plaza - a blog about the day to day realities of owning, operating and leasing a modern Class B office building in San Diego, CA. Old Town Plaza is owned and operated by Intermarket Investment Group, LLC. A privately-held, family-owned business. To check out our product, visit and take our Virtual Video Tour.

Our mission here at OTP is to bring back what Matthew and I call the "Corner Drug Store Experience" and to do so in a manner which is cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

What is the Corner Drug Store Experience? Do you remember when customers were actually customers and not just a bar code or a line of ink on a demographic chart?

We do.

Do you remember what it was like when proprietors actually remembered your name and you didn't just walk into a place of business only to be treated like cattle so the establishment could take your money?

We do.

The Corner Drug Store Experience is about bringing back a sense of humanity and dignity to a business which is riddled with cold and dispassionate treatment of customers. It is about bringing back a genuine and personal customer experience where your business is valued, not exploited. Here at Intermarket, Matthew and I know the name of every tenant in the building and everything we do is focused around making sure that we are in front of the needs, requests and desires of our tenants so long as it is legal, cost-effective and done so in a manner which is respectful of our environment.

Stay tuned to Old Town Plaza for more on The Corner Drug Store Experience and being an environmentally responsible citizen of this great community we call San Diego, CA.