Wednesday, October 6, 2010

"Disposable" Plastics

Last Saturday, as part of their "Green Screen Series," the San Diego Film Festival featured the film Bag It. This documentary clearly, and often humorously, outlines the sheer stupidity of single-use plastic products. Following the story of the plastic bag exposes the tremendous environmental and societal impact of disposable plastics. The film poses a simple question: Why are we using a highly durable material made from a finite resource (petroleum) for products that are discarded in a matter of minutes and take centuries to decompose? The statistics are startling. The United States is currently consuming approximately 1 million single use plastic bags per MINUTE!

Bag It Intro from Suzan Beraza on Vimeo.

Though the scale of this problem appears daunting, it is also a problem that everyone can help solve. The Bag It website offers a wealth of tips to make life with less plastic possible. The film makers are trying to distribute Bag It through more mainstream channels. Until that time please visit their website and pass along this information.