Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Plague of Bottled Water

August marks the third month of another new experiment here in the San Diego commercial office of Intermarket Investment Group, LLC: can tap water be utilized as a way of saving money, improving quality of life at the office and helping the environment all at the same time?

YES - it can do all of those things simultaneously. 

The solution to this problem is called the PW 1R by Pure Water Technology of San Diego.  This machine completely replaced our Arrowhead Bottled Water service.  As an added bonus, it looks really cool too.  This is a picture of the PW 1R we have in our office with Matthew's Sigg Bottle in the fill port:

The PW 1R at Intermarket Investment Group, LLC

Save Money
We were spending approximately $50-70/month for bottled water service from Arrowhead.  The costs were lower in the winter when we drank less, but higher in the summer when we often drank more water to keep cool in the summer heat of San Diego.  With the PW 1R from PWT of SD, we have now fixed that cost to $59/month (I know, it doesn't save a whole lot of money, but just keep reading...).  As we continue to grow and expand our head count, this cost will remain fixed for this one machine.  By comparison, if we were to stay with Arrowhead, our monthly cost would only increase as we expanded our head count.  Naturally, our costs will rise if we add machines, but that goes without saying almost.

Improve Quality of Life
This is great - we no longer have to change bottles, store bottles and worry about water if we run out before our delivery date (believe it or not, this actually happened frequently and was a source of frustration).  Changing bottles was a pain in the rear end even though it wasn't that big of a deal.  It was just annoying.  Storing the bottles, on the other hand, was horrifically annoying and consumed space.  This is where we actually saved more money because now, instead of using $2.10 per square foot office space to store bottles, we could use it to actually do work and generate revenue.

Good for the Environment
Most people don't think of bottled water as being bad for the environment.  I would know because I used to be one of those people.  To get a bottle of water to our doorstep requires trucks to haul pumping equipment out to a water harvesting site (usually a lake).  Build the plant (consumes energy). Run the plant (consumes energy). Package the water in bottles (consumes energy, creates future plastic bottle waste). Load the bottled water onto trucks (energy). Drive the trucks on delivery routes (more energy and now diesel/petrol). Collect your dirty/used bottles. Haul the dirty bottles back to the plant for cleaning (energy, diesel, cleaning chemicals).  Repeat the process.

On average, the cost of manufacturing the bottle, shipping it to the bottling plant, harvesting the water and shipping it to a customer is equal to filling a quarter of a 5 gallon bottle with 1 gallon of oil.

Intermarket Investment Group, LLC of San Diego, CA no longer does anything of the sort.  We get our water from the tap where it goes directly into our PW 1R for filtration and produces water that is ten times better of us than regular San Diego tap water.  We never leave the office. We have no delivery trucks. We consume no diesel. We throw away no bottles. We don't transport empty bottles. The only footprint we are leaving with our new system is the 30 kilowatt hours we use each month to power the machine. It generates so little heat that HVAC cooling impact is not even an issue.

Old Town's Greenest Office Building - Old Town Plaza, San Diego
In today's world of resource scarcity, being a "green building" is not just about dual pane windows, PV cells on the roof or waterless urinals. It is an operational mentality that is focused on using what we already have and doing so in a smart fashion that is not wasteful.  It is a mindset. A dedication of purpose.

For more information on how you can be a part of the greenest office building in the Old Town neighborhood near Downtown San Diego, visit us online at www.LeaseOldTown.com or call us at 619-692-0802.