Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Awesome PBS NOVA Special: The Big Energy Gamble

In my endless search for more information and an additional competitive advantage in the commercial real estate business here in San Diego, I came across this fantastic NOVA Special called The Big Energy Gamble.  NOVA examines the energy situation we have here in the Sunshine State and the United States as a whole.  In particular, it highlights how environmental regulation is it's own worst enemy...



To learn more about the energy efficiency and environmental upgrades we have implemented here at Old Town Plaza, check out the OTP Goes Green page on our website:


Don't forget to help Old Town Plaza, one of San Diego's most environmentally friendly commercial office buildings, reach 2000 Friends on Facebook so we can throw another great (and FREE) Tenant Lunch Event here in the Courtyard!  To find out more, check out this earlier post from the OTP Blog:
