Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Renewable Wind Power by Gamesa Energy USA - Nick Henriksen

As many of you are well aware by now, Intermarket Investment Group, LLC is constantly searching for new and innovative ways to make Old Town Plaza a vibrant and exciting microcosm of  case studies for sustainable, energy-efficient commercial office space in San Diego.  To that end, we would like to present a a guest blog post from one of our newest tenants and a valuable player in the exploding renewable energy sector - Gamesa Energy USA's Nick Henriksen.

As the U.S.-based development arm of Gamesa Corporación Tecnológica, Old Town Plaza tenant Gamesa Energy USA is responsible for the development of wind farms in the United States and Northern Baja California.  Development activities consist of all the activities associated with wind generation projects including site identification, wind measurement, obtaining the necessary permits and licenses for construction and commissioning, final sale of projects and operations & maintenance. 

As Gamesa Enegy’s parent company, Gamesa is among the world leaders in the market, having installed 18,000 MW of turbines through 2009 and maintaining 30 manufacturing facilities in Europe, the U.S., and Asia.  This commitment to locally-based manufacturing allows Gamesa to sell wind with a higher percentage of U.S.-made components than any other wind turbine manufacturer in the industry. 

Wind generation is one of the most reliable and effective forms of renewable energy and is now cost-competitive with traditional (fossil) sources of electrical generation in high-demand markets like California. 

The outlook for renewable energy growth is strong in the western U.S. and Gamesa Energy’s San Diego office is responsible for ensuring that we are all able to decrease our reliance on fossil fuels and generate more of our power here at home. 

Nick Henriksen is the Director of Development for Gamesa Energy's West Coast Division. Prior to Gamesa, Nick worked for Eurus Energy America, a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Tokyo Electric Power Co. and Toyota Tsusho Corp.
Nick studied International Relations and Economics at The Johns Hopkins Univ. and did his undergraduate work in American History at Haverford College.  

If you would like to learn more about renewable energy, please also see another guest OTP Blog post about renewable photovoltaic (solar) by Andrew: http://www.leaseoldtown.net/2010/10/let-sun-shine-not-quite-yet-but-soon.html