Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Old Town Plaza's Marketing Engine: Akula Kreative

Eco-Friendly Graphic and Web Design in San Diego

As you know, Intermarket Investment Group, LLC continually makes every effort to create a comfortable, convenient, and energy-efficient environment for its tenants at Old Town Plaza. Graphic and electronic communication is no exception.

Shortly after Intermarket Investment Group, LLC took over operations, we made it a priority to re-vamp the branding of Old Town Plaza from the ground up. We needed a fresh look to represent a new generation of environmentally responsible building management. To do that, we hired Akula Kreative.

Akula Kreative is a graphic and web design firm specializing in creating (or re-working) branding identities for small businesses in San Diego. The advantages of hiring a local designer are endless, but we will name just a few:

1)    Personalized Attention
2)    Faster Turnaround
3)    Honesty and Accountability
4)    Quality Work for a Fair Price
5)    Flexible Terms

Akula Kreative is not about “churning out” cookie-cutter designs; they will take the time and make the effort to listen to your needs and deliver exactly what you need, regardless of the size of your project. Our needs, for example, required that our graphic communication pack a punch without putting a strain on the environment. Here are a few ways in which Akula Kreative has made our campaign a little more “green”:

• Our website and blog are predominantly black. If you’ve ever used Blackle (, then you know where we’re headed with this. A black (or dark) computer screen uses less energy than a white (or light) one. It’s as simple as that. Though it is argued that reading white letters on a black background is hard on the eyes, so is staring at a bright computer screen all day.

• All of our printed materials use recycled paper from certified sustainable production systems and soy-based inks. These inks not only emit lower traces of “volatile organic compounds,” but they can also more easily be removed from paper during the recycling process. This means that more paper will be fit for reuse, and no threatening waste is produced.

• By creating PDFs of our tenant and vendor forms and posting them on our website, we are saving the paper that would have been used to create multiple copies of the same document. (On a related note, we have also nixed the fax machine. We ask that everyone please scan and email documents to us, rather than waste the paper.)

• Instead of ordering thousands of sheets of pre-printed letterhead, Akula Kreative gave us a branded Microsoft Word document so we can print our letters on demand. This not only saves trees, it saves us tons of money as well!

We use Akula Kreative for just about everything that requires both creativity and technical expertise: websites, blogs, business cards, postcards, flyers, posters, forms, etc. It’s our one-stop, eco-friendly design shop.