Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Old Town Plaza Advantage Part I - Owner/Operator

The commercial real estate industry follows a relatively standard script to describe office buildings: location, parking, interior finishes, recent renovations, signage opportunity, et alia. While these items are certainly critical, it is important to consider some of the more intangible advantages, features that have a tremendous impact on the tenant experience throughout the life of a lease. This four-part series will highlight some of these overlooked features that make Old Town Plaza the undisputed leader in the Old Town / SPAWAR submarket.

On-site Owner/Operator

Most office buildings are managed by a third-party management company, a structure that shields an owner from tenant interaction. Many of these property managers demonstrate their value by driving up profits for the owner at the expense of investing in the property and enhancing the tenant experience. This results in the building and tenants being treated as a passive investment rather than an active business dedicated to retaining its customers.

Since 2007 Old Town Plaza has been managed by its owners and strives to earn its customers business every day. To that end, Intermarket Investment Group has invested over $500,000 over the last five years to dramatically improve the building. Additionally, the on-site office gives customers immediate, direct access to a manager who has the authority to address any situation or concern. From re-stocking restrooms to developing creative strategies to accommodate a customer's future growth, on-site ownership is ready to accommodate.

A healthy and accommodating relationship between owner and customer not only makes for an enjoyable tenant experience but also often results in easy renewals, saving the customer time and money.